Iron Man 3 Review


Last weekend, I was able to see the long-awaited third movie in the Iron Man series.  It has a darker feel than the previous films and  introduces new new characters and brings back a few familiar faces. As much as I enjoyed the action, the plot had loose ends and things weren’t explained very well.  Tony’s whole struggle in this movie is dealing with PTSD after the events in the Avengers, but I found it it to be kind of boring.  I don’t want to give away any spoilers but there is a twist in the plot.  Personally, I’m not sure I liked it it kinda killed the suspense for me.  That being said, it’s not a horrible movie.  The visual effects and stunts are still thrilling to watch.  And Robert Downey Jr. is awesome as always.It’s not as good as the first movie of course, but Iron Man 3 still makes a great summer flick and is still worth the watch.

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“It’s never too early to panic!”


RIP John Heckathorn.

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RIP Professor Heckathorn

RIP to an inspirational professor and an awesome person.  You taught us a lot.

Former Honolulu Magazine Editor John Heckathorn Dies

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Top 4 Most Meaningful 2011 Articles Shared on Facebook

By Kayla Cowan

Facebook is, undoubtedly, one of the most popular social networking sites, but it is not only good for just checking up on one’s family and friends. Every day, hundreds to thousands of links and articles are shared on Facebook, making it a very prominent source of news information. Recently, Facebook ranked as the fourth largest source of traffic for News and Media sites, after Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. Here are some of the most significant articles that were shared this year:

1. The Disaster in Japan. CNN published an article recording the tragic results of the disaster in Japan the day after they occurred. Japan was hit by the most powerful earthquake in recorded history, which was followed by an enormous tsunami. As a result, over 400 people were found dead, and more than 700 others were reported missing. The widespread popularity of this news story lead to the creation of several “Support Japan” pages and other efforts to help Japan during this difficult time. For the full article, visit:

2. RIP Steve Jobs. After Steve Jobs died in October, CNN paid tribute to his memory through an article that documented his life story. Some of the highlights of the article included when he founded Apple, how he developed the concept of the personal computer and mouse, and how he oversaw the launch of the ipod, iphone, and ipad. Millions of people were impacted by this incident and expressed their sorrow in their statuses. To read the whole story, go to:

3. Penn State Alumnae Speaks. Following the sex scandal that occurred at Penn State last month, war veteran and Penn State alum Thomas Day expresses his opinion in his piece “Penn State: My Final Loss of Faith” on the Washington Post. Day discusses how he is personally affected by the events that took place, and how they reveal the lack of leadership of the older generation. Readers responded to this article with appreciation and respect. To read the full article, visit:

4. HHS Refuses to Give Teens Access to Plan B. Yesterday, CBN reported that Health and Human Services refused to lower the age requirement for women who want to purchase emergency contraception. Consequently, teens under the age of 17 can’t buy the Plan B, or “morning after” pill, without a prescription and parental consent. Pro-life organizations viewed this as good news, but representatives from women’s groups and the FDA voiced their opposition. To view the article, go to:

Overall, these articles are only a few examples of many that have achieved widespread popularity due to Facebook. Not only does Facebook bring awareness to what is going on in the world, but it also allows people to add their own input and encourages them to take action. In the years to come, Facebook will continue to be one of the most critical sources of news information.

For more information:
Top 40 Most Shared Facebook Articles:

Facebook is Major News Source:

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Bob Woodward team – Article

Facebook – friend or foe?

By Lexi Mitchell

“One day I logged in, I had about 50 new comments on my page. It was 50 of the same comment over and over again. These comments were from another young lady telling me off.” Victoria Escobar explains about her traumatic experiences on Facebook.

Escobar is just one out of many who has experienced an issue concerning privacy on a social media website.

Today Facebook is where the majority of this interacting takes place. Even though Facebook has a strict security policy, all bugs are never worked out on a social networking site. There have been countless cases of “cyberbullying” over social networking sites. There are also many cases that have led to sexual harassment. These social networking sites are not all bad, but can have harmful consequences if not informed on the subject.

Escobar first signed on to Facebook in 2008. “The Majority of my friends had Facebook,” she explains. There were many things she liked about facebook, “I liked how creative you could get with it. You could post basically anything. Pictures, music, and you got to make it your own. I think I spent more time changing my profile than I did communicating with others.” Though, not long after being a Facebook user, she was humiliated on her own profile.

“I deleted as many comments as possible. It was humiliating, and the worst part is we were really good friends. This was so out of character for her.” The thought of a friend posting mean things is awful, but social networking sites are a common place for bullying these days.

Facebook is one of the most dangerous social media websites out there. Not because of the website itself, but because of the access it could potentially allow its users. There have been multiple cases of horrifying events that have occurred either on or because of Facebook. This includes not only bullying, but also stalking and sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is quite easy via social networking, due to lack of protection of information. HPU dancer, Lexi Mitchell, has experienced how some people have no boundaries when approaching each other via social media. “Once a basket ball player from UH Manoa messaged me on Facebook.  He said he had seen me dancing at games, thought I was beautiful, wanted to get to know me more and would like to take me out. I had never seen this boy before, so it’s understandable why I was a little freaked out when this happened,” she tells.

Experts are concerned that young people today are so focused on exposing and branding themselves, that they forget that social media sites, such as Facebook, might have some privacy issues. “Our young generation do not think about long term consequences,” Christian Jessen Christiansen, professor in Media studies at Copenhagen University, explains. “This can have a huge influence on their future. Not only personally, but also when creating a carrier and establishing a network.”

When asked about her future use of social media, Escobar has no doubt that she will be more careful. “I think my past experience, has made me more aware of who I add, and what I post etc. I never thought about such things when I created my Facebook account.”  Escobar learned from her experience and hopefully others might learn from it as well. Facebook can be as much fun as dangerous.

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Bob Woodward team – blogpost

Top 4 Most Meaningful 2011 Articles Shared on Facebook

By Kayla Cowan

Facebook is, undoubtedly, one of the most popular social networking sites, but it is not only good for just checking up on one’s family and friends.  Every day, hundreds to thousands of links and articles are shared on Facebook, making it a very prominent source of news information.  Recently, Facebook ranked as the fourth largest source of traffic for News and Media sites, after Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.  Here are some of the most significant articles that were shared this year:
1.   The Disaster in Japan.  CNN published an article recording the tragic results of the disaster in Japan the day after they occurred.  Japan was hit by the most powerful earthquake in recorded history, which was followed by an enormous tsunami.  As a result, over 400 people were found dead, and more than 700 others were reported missing.  For the full article, visit:
2.   RIP Steve Jobs.  After Steve Jobs died in October, CNN paid tribute to him through an article that documented his life story.  Some of the highlights of the article included when he founded Apple, how he developed the concept of the personal computer and mouse, and how he oversaw the launch of the ipod, iphone, and ipad.  To read the whole story, go to:
3.   Penn State Alumnae Speaks.  Following the sex scandal that occurred at Penn State last month, war veteran and Penn State alum Thomas Day expresses his opinion in his piece “Penn State: My Final Loss of Faith” on the Washington Post.  Day discusses how he is personally affected by the events that took place, and how they reveal the lack of leadership of the older generation.  To read the full article, visit:
4.  HHS Refuses to Give Teens Access to Plan B.  Yesterday, CBN reported that Health and Human Services refused to lower the age requirement for women who want to purchase emergency contraception.  As a result, teens under the age of 17 can’t buy the Plan B, or “morning after” pill, without a prescription and parental consent.  To view the article, go to:

Overall, these articles are only a few examples of many that have achieved widespread popularity due to Facebook.  Not only does Facebook bring awareness to what is going on in the world, but it also allows people to share their own opinions and encourages them to take action.  In the years to come, Facebook will continue to be one of the most critical sources of news information.
For more information:
Top 40 Most Shared Facebook Articles:
Facebook as Major News Source:

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Diane Sawyer Team – Magazine Article – Stress during finals week

Stress during finals week

By: Alexandria DuPraw


College is already stressful dealing with homework, long distance relationships, and trying to maintain a normal social life. Then you add in final exams and it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Kierstin Marzan says, “Stressing would be an understatement considering I have this big project due instead of a final and I have to schedule my project around my two jobs.”

University level homework may be more challenging than anything you have ever faced before, and final exams can bring a whole new meaning to the term ‘crunch time’. Perhaps the most common study habit for students is pulling all-nighters studying for final exams or even learning the material at the last minute and of course the usual powering down caffeine. Let alone being dead tired you can only imagine the stress that is built up in your body when you are sitting down to take a test. You have learned four months worth of information and you have to regurgitate that information in about two hours for five different classes.  All of that information learned form those five classes are sitting in one big mixing pot in your brain so things start conflicting. And on top of that, if the student thinks about how important the final exams are, they begin stressing even more. Anil Kundanani boldly states, “Finals determine your grade for the semester.” It makes sense students would stress a bit about finals because the final exam is the biggest chunk of their grade. But are we stressing about finals more than we should be?

The typical student starts off the semester thinking they are going to do things differently than the last semester. We set goals for ourselves. However, it seems to be the same goal every semester; don’t leave everything until the last minute. A very wise professor, John Heckathorn said, “It’s never to early to panic.” Kierstin’s says she tries to prioritize so she isn’t rushing to get anything done at the last minute. Yet, she is still stressing about her final project.

Michael Erikson, a professor in the psychology department at Hawaii Pacific University says, “Everything I do as a professor reflects my experience as a student.” He goes into more detail and says he tries to teach so that if he were a student in his own class, he wouldn’t be too annoyed. However he explains that he looks back now on his experience as a student and wishes he would have read more because he felt he missed out on a lot of learning opportunities. So when asked about finals he replied saying final exams are something that just has to happen, “It separates the students who come to learn from the ones who are just trying to get their degree.”

Final exams are testing students on everything they have learned over one semester. So it makes since to have finals be important but unless professors make the final exam count for a tad less, students will continue to stress knowing final exams regulate your final grade.

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Article – Meth Project- Walter Cronkite Team

Meth project Article for Matt, Seree, Megan, and Henriette.

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The Advantages of Facebook

By Rachael Dawson

Thanks to Facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg, the world now has social networking abilities at their reach. Whether you are a business manager, musician, or average joe; Facebook provides a source of social awareness and a strong central community of social networks. 
“The web is at a really important turning point right now. Up until recently, the default on the web has been that most things aren’t social and most things don’t use your real identity. We’re building toward a web where the default is social.”-Mark Zuckerberg. 

Business Advantages… BIG or small

Facebook’s search engine capabilities are quite incredible and one of the most reliable to this day and age. Any consumer can view a profile where details about your business are listed. If interested, they will “like” your page. On their News Feed they will receive updates about:

  • New products
  • Social events
  • Upcoming opportunities

This will provide a very personal connection between the consumers and your business allowing them to have privacy while they explore their interests. Your business’s advertisements will be available on their home page even if they didn’t like your page. During the hiring process, you are able to check out their profile and see what they aren’t doing at work. There have been many employees who have been discovered for haughtiness on Facebook and were thus fired… So, having a Facebook page to see what your employees are really like would be a wise choice. Facebook allows each individual that sign up to customize their profile in a unique and personal way, so your business could catch the consumer’s interest. Most importantly, you are able to receive feedback that is given through a wall post. Feedback will provide growth and through a wall post, consumers will become more loyal because of that.

“Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers out to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business”-ZigZaglar.

Music at your fingertips

Like business advantages, one can create a word of mouth by the useful search engine that Facebook provides. An artist has the ability to create and design their own webpage with

  • Applications
  • Links
  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • And sending out mass media messages to reply to all fans.

This provides a reliable fan base and generates a huge amount of social awareness throughout your social media network community. Big music industries, such as  Atlantic Records  and Young Money, are now searching Facebook for new artists to give them promotions and performance opportunities. For those of us that have no music talent, we can find new music and share it with out networking friends. Facebook also offers consumers applications, where a profile is a customized music player.

Education on Facebook? Unheard of! Or is it…

More educational systems in the 21st century are adapting to having their classes and assignments online. It is more accessible for the students and provides hands on information. According to studies at University of Minnesota, 94% of students use the internet, 82% go online at home, and 72% have a profile on a networking site. Students stated that by using the internet and a social networking site their technology skills flourish, creativity explodes, and their communication skills can improve. On Facebook, an educator can create a group to use as a chalkboard for:

  • Upcoming Assignments
  • Events
  • Class discussions
  • Brainstorming.

Students  are more comfortable with Facebook and almost all students have their own profile. This social networking site is available throughout the day and night.

Social Media Network

What is not to love about a FREE social networking site? A consumer will have the ability to connect with others on a professional and a personal level. The search engine provided will give you information about anyone if they have a profile… Long, lost classmates. Co-workers. Friends or family that you haven’t seen in a while. Facebook is about connecting and communicating. It has a new and mature look that is very simple to use! You can post

  • Pictures
  • Links
  • Videos
  • Status Updates

You have freedom of speech  in the United States of America, so Facebook is another way to express yourself in any way you want. After all.. It is free. So, enjoy what the web has to offer and explore new advantages to socialize.





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Team Sawyer Blog Post

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